Palo Verde National Park and Chorotega Pottery
Located in the heart of the province of Guanacaste to encounter the lowlands of the Tempisque basin. In the Chorotega langue, Tempisque is a mystical river that flows both ways. A tidal affected river with a change from 6 up 10 feet of water with 2 complete cycles. Known to be the third most important population status of the American crocodile in the world, with approximately 200 crocodiles per mile at the river. National Park Palo Verde is considered in Central America one of the most important sites for bird watching. The species here are not only migratory, but resident and regional endemic species inhabit these areas for the extended lowlands and marshes. The bird families of the orioles, herons, storks, ibis, spoonbills, warblers, swallows, cuckoos, flycatchers, owls, kingfishers, trogons, motmots, and jacanas are a distinctive jizz out of 350 individuals that can be found in this Evergreen Forest in the middle of the Guanacaste province. Jabiru Mycteria is an endangered species where the most favorable status of population is situated inside the protected area. During dry season streams dry up temporarily and moisture loving water plant are often found in a varied number near waterways. Pollinators and seed disseminators such as butterflies, wasp and a great number of bats increase their activity during this time and become more concentrated in areas where there is water. A Pottery stop for an experience of the ancient tradition living inside a culture where pottery manufacturing is demonstrated, and clients have opportunity to purchase an original piece of art and help with the economical up growth of the community.
Includes: Water, sodas, beers, and lunch
Pick up time: 6:30 AM
Returns: around 2:30 pm